Four Things Runners Want You to Know

The running community is a wonderful place. Growing up I was an awkward kid who participated in competitive sports so, needless to say, I was surprised how welcoming my fellow runners were when I hopped on the crazy cardio train. However, in the last year, I have noticed a few misconceptions nonrunners have about us cardio-lovers. Here are four things we want you to know:

  1. We know how to properly prep for our runs.
    Every experienced runner knows what their body can handle. I live in Wisconsin which means temperatures can range from subzero with a wind-chill to more than 90 degrees with humidity. The weather doesn’t stop me. I know how many layers I need to wear when I run in frigid temperatures and how to adequately hydrate when summer sets in at full force. My eyelashes may freeze over, but I know what I’m doing. Please don’t tell me I shouldn’t run in those conditions or yell at me as you drive by. If it’s not something I can handle, I won’t do it.
  2. We aren’t bragging when we talk about our PRs (Personal Records).
    I’m a competitive, goal-oriented person. When I run I’m competing against myself. I’m always pushing to get that extra mile or achieve a faster time. When I set a new PR I want to share it with the world. Please know when I tell you about it I’m not bragging, I’m just excited I achieved my goal. It’s equally as exciting for me to set a new reading record or accomplish a new recipe, but I run more often than anything else.
  3. We know running isn’t for everyone.
    If you have ever seen me attempt yoga or Zumba, you know those exercises are not for me. I can’t do them well enough to get anything out of them and I leave feeling frustrated and unaccomplished. I fully understand there are people out there that face similar cardio-related challenges and have the same feelings about running. There’s nothing wrong with that.
  4. We could not be more thankful for our supporters.
    Whether you are the loud fan on the sideline on race day or the friend that volunteers to make dinner while I do my long run, you are the best. Personally, I cannot put into words how much my supporters mean to me. Thank you so much.

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